

Measuring modified protein structures

ETH-Zurich researchers have developed a new approach to measure proteins with structures that change. This could enable new diagnostic tools for the early recognition of neurodegenerative diseases to be developed.
This research was supported by RTD Project YeastX.
Read the article published on ETH News »

02.09.2014 9th call results

With a total of 69 submissions, the 9th call has generated more proposals than any other call to date. 28 proposals for Transition Postdoc Fellowships (TPdFs) and 41 for Interdisciplinary PhD Projects (IPhDs) have been submitted. Of these proposals, the Executive Board (SEB) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) have approved 7 TPdF and 17 IPhD projects. more»


Long antibiotic treatments: slowly growing bacteria to blame

Whether pneumonia or sepsis – infectious diseases are becoming increasingly difficult to treat. One reason for this is the growing antibiotic resistance. But even non-resistant bacteria can survive antibiotics for some time, and that’s why treatments need to be continued for several days or weeks. Scientists at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel showed that bacteria with vastly different antibiotic sensitivity coexist within the same tissue. In the scientific journal Cell they report that, in particular, slowly growing pathogens hamper treatment.
This research was supported by RTD Project BattleX.
Read the press release published by the University of Basel »

30.06.2014 9th Call Submissions

The aim of the 9th Call for Proposals was to support young scientists in becoming truly interdisciplinary researchers within the diverse field of systems biology. In response to the 9th call, 69 proposals for Transition Postdoc Fellowships (TPdFs) and Interdisciplinary PhD projects (IPhDs) have been submitted. more »



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