

ERASysAPP - Second Joint Call for Proposals

ERASysAPP, the ERA-Net for Applied Systems Biology Research, is launching its second joint call for project proposals. This transnational call focuses on “Further Transfer of Systems Biology Knowledge into Applications”, and aims to encourage scientists from ten participating countries to collaborate and share resources beyond national boundaries. more»


SIB Awards 2015

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is happy to announce the SIB Awards 2015, which consist of three categories:



Grant of the US BRAIN Initiative for Fritjof Helmchen

Fritjof Helmchen, Professor of Neuroscience and Co-Director of the Brain Research Institute of the University of Zurich and PI of one completed RTD Project (Neurochoice), one TF Project and one IPhD Project, has been honored with a grant of the US BRAIN Initiative. His research is focused on the development and application of optical methods, in particular two-photon microscopy, to study neural activity on the subcellular, cellular, and circuit level. His group has pioneered several microscopy techniques, including 3D and high-speed in vivo two-photon imaging, and has contributed to recent advancements in the study of cortical microcircuits.
Read the article published by UZH News (German only)»



Two new events for young scientists

In 2015 there will be two new events for young scientists:


New Workshop: “Leadership and Management Skills for Postdocs”
More information and registration» Retreat 2015: “Better Results Through Diversity”
More information and registration»


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