
05.10.2016 to 07.10.2016

IEEE CIBCB 2016 Special Session - Chiang Mai, Thailand

Special Session on parallel and distributed high-performance computing solutions for computational intelligence methods.
Hosted by IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB 2016), October 5-7 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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09.10.2016 to 12.10.2016

FOSBE 2016 - Magdeburg, Germany

FOSBE 2016 the 6th International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering will take place from October 9-12, 2016 in Magdeburg, Germany. FOSBE aims at stimulating discussion and fostering collaborations among scientists, from method to theory oriented engineers to experimental and theoretical biologists, interested or working on systems theory applied to life sciences.
More information and registration »

10.10.2016 to 11.10.2016

Workshop: De novo Transcriptome assembly - Trinity - University of Bern, Switzerland

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and the IBU Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit (Unibe) will be hosting Brian Haas (author of Trinity) and Timothy Tickle  from the Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA from October 10-11, 2016 for the following training Event. The De novo Transcriptome assembly - Trinityworkshop will explore the use of Trinity for de novo rna-seq assembly and downstream analysis of transcript expression, annotation, differential expression, and interactive data analysis.
More information and registration »

12.10.2016 to 13.10.2016

Workshop: Single-cell sequencing - University of Bern, Switzerland

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and the IBU Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit (Unibe) will be hosting Brian Haas and Timothy Tickle from the Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA from October 12-13, 2016 for this single-cell sequencing training event. The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of the sequencing technologies and experimental methods that make possible single-cell transcriptome sequencing.
More information and registration »


Department program of SNF