

Towards a physical basis for morphogenesis: how guts loop, ears grow and brains fold - Geneva, Switzerland

Under the title "Towards a physical basis for morphogenesis: how guts loop, ears grow and brains fold", Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan, head of the Applied Math Lab at Harvard University, will give a talk on June 23 at the University of Geneva. The event is organised by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva, with the support of the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and

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30.06.2015 to 03.07.2015

10TH CFGBC Symposium with ISBE and CASyM workshops - Ljubljana, Slovenia

The 10TH CFGBC Symposium with ISBE and CASyM Workshops organized together with a Hands-on tutorial Systems Biology/Medicine will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 30th June to 3rd July 2015.
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06.07.2015 to 08.07.2015

International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease - Heidelberg, Germany

The International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease (SBHD) is a transatlantic event and communication platform for scientific exchange between the United States and Germany. It takes place alternately between the two countries. The conference focus is on mammalian systems biology, particularly as it applies to human disease and therapy. This years conference will take place from July 6, 2015 to July 8, 2015 in Heidelberg, Germany. is a sponsor of the event.

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06.07.2015 to 12.07.2015

The Physics Behind Systems Biology - Bremen, Germany

This WE Heraeus Physics School, taking place from July 6-12, 2015 at Jacobs University Bremen, aims at illuminating the Physics foundations of Systems Biology and show how this novel discipline stands on a basis paved by physical principles. Core topics are complex networks, robustness of biological processes, methods of mathematical modeling, synchronization and cellular rhythms. The target audience are graduate students who are interested in Systems Biology, as well as PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who work in this field.
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