All Day 2009

Third All Day
Date: November 18, 2009
Location: University of Bern, Switzerland
Number of visitors: 200
Poster Contest Winner: Jean Hausser (UniBS)
Sponsor: Nestlé
The third All Day took place on November 18, 2009 at the Inselspital of the University of Bern and attracted about 200 visitors. The event was opened with an update about the current status of given by Prof. Ruedi Aebersold and Dr. Daniel Vonder Mühll. The morning was reserved for presentations about the topic Modelling, which was the main theme of the event. Specialists provided updates on their research areas and discussed the future of modelling in Systems Biology. As a special guest Prof. Henry Markram, from EPF Lausanne, presented his famous "Blue Brain Project".
In the afternoon the new RTDs (approval year 2009) were presented by their Principal Investigators. These are the projects: BattleX, InfectX, CINA, Cell Plasticity, CycliX and MetaNetX. During the course of the day visitors could learn more about the research of students through their posters, which were also in the Poster Competition. In a parallel session, SyBIT offered the communities of Screening, Genomics, Proteomics, and Computational Biology the opportunity to discuss and exchange information and their best practices on tools, standards and policies within their projects.
Following the closing remarks, a final presentor, Prof. Dr. Dr. Theophil Schwämmli (alias comedian and performer Aernschd Born), from the ITEM (Institute of Translations of Essential Meanings) gave his presentation. In this presentation called How 2 X-plain the language of life, he explained, in simple words and complex power point animations, what Systems Biology in fact is, and what represents for Switzerland. Prof. Dr. Dr. Schwämmli explained his theory so that it was accessible to even the most lay audience. For those who had time, there was an Apéro and dinner organised at the Restaurant Sole; sponsored by Nestlé.
Poster Award 2009 - Winners
The Poster Award session took place in the in the afternoon, when a series of researchers presented new project ideas. Walter Senn, professor of Physiology at the University of Bern, handed over the prize for the best poster to the PhD student Jean Hausser (UniBS) for his poster with the title: Timing matters: a kinetic model miRNA-mediated gene silencing at the protein and mRNA level.
The second place went to Andrea Brunner and Ry Tweedie-Cullen for their poster with title: Comprehensive mapping of post-translational modification on synaptic, nuclear, and histone proteins in the adult mouse brain.
The third place went to Dan Zheng for her poster with title: Qualitative metabolic flux analysis resolves differential metabolic activity in higher cells caused by genetic and environmental perturbation.