
05.06.2017 à 17.06.2017

EMBO Practical Course: Bioinformatics and genome analyses - Thessanolica, Greece

The main objectives of this EMBO Practical Course are to strengthen skills of students in genomics and bioinformatics on the use of algorithms, key software, statistical and visualization methods and their various applications in genome studies. The course will take place from June 5-17, 2017 in Thessanolica, Greece.
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12.06.2017 à 13.06.2017

RNA-seq: From quality control to pathway analysis - Bern, Switzerland

This course will present all the bioinformatics tools required to analyze RNA-seq gene expression data, from the raw data to the biological interpretation. The two-day course will discuss the following topics: Quality control and reads cleanup, RNAseq reads mapping to genome & transcriptome, Gene reads counting, gene & exons differential expression, GO enrichment and pathway analysis.
This course is intended for life scientists or bioinformaticians, familiar with Next Generation Sequencing and willing to acquire the necessary skills to analyse RNA-seq gene expression data.
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SPHN Information Session - Bern, Switzerland

There will be an information event on June 29, 2017 at the University of Bern to introduce the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and a number of different funding opportunities available in the area of personalized health research.
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04.07.2017 à 05.07.2017

Python for Life Scientists - Bern, Switzerland

This two-day course is aimed at beginners who want to become familiar with writing Python code to accomplish common tasks such as automated data parsing. It covers the basic concepts, data structures, terminology, and approach to documentation required to further develop independent skills in Python programming. The course is organized by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and takes place from July 4-5, 2017 at the University of Bern.
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