
19.08.2014 à 22.08.2014

CECAM Conference 2014 – Lausanne

The conference titled “Modelling Cellular Life: From Single Molecules to Cellular Function” will take place from August 19-22, 2014 at the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM) in Lausanne.
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Searching for sequences: introduction to databases and sequence analysis tools

This one-day worshop, which will be held in Fribourg the 28th of August 2014, will cover the practical use of sequence databases and tools to discover and extract DNA and protein sequences. Participants will learn more about NCBI RefSeq, ENA, SRA, UniProtKB, ENSEMBL, Blast, ExPASy.
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02.09.2014 à 05.09.2014

ISGSB 2014 - Durham, UK

From September 2 to 5, Durham University will host the 2014 International Study Group for Systems Biology (ISGSB) meeting "From Cell to Organism". 
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SMIDDY 2014 – Systems Biology of Antibiotic Resistance, Bern, Switzerland

The theme of this year's Swiss Meeting for Infectious Disease Dynamics will be “Systems Biology of Antibiotic Resistance”. The meeting will be held at the Haus der Universität in Bern on Friday, September 12, 2014.
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Department program of SNF