
25.08.2015 Postdoc Workshop 2016 is once more organizing a postdoc workshop in leadership and management skills. It will take place from February 17-18, 2016 in Gerzensee. As in 2015, the workshop will be run by hfp consulting and focus on topics such as key communication skills, dealing with conflict, or setting goals and priorities. Postdocs within the network are invited to participate in this course that will complement their present scientific work and be of great use in their future careers.
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[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference draws the masses

The 12th [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference took place in June 2015 at the Congress Center Basel. The meeting was organized by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and the University of Basel’s Biozentrum in collaboration with The outstanding scientific program attracted almost 500 scientists from Switzerland and beyond working in a broad range of disciplines, including bioinformatics, biology, computational biology, medicine and systems biology.
See pictures of the conference »


Beim Lernen passen sich Signalflüsse im Gehirn an

Was passiert in unseren Köpfen, wenn wir Neues lernen? Hirnforscher der Universität Zürich konnten zeigen, wie sich beim Lernen die Signalausbreitung innerhalb der Hirnrinde zwischen verschiedenen verbundenen Regionen verändert. So wurde in einem Signalweg die Repräsentation des relevanten Sinnesreizes verstärkt. In einem anderen Signalweg widerspiegelte sich hingegen im zellulären Aktivitätsmuster das Entscheidungsverhalten. Diese Ergebnisse belegen, wie mit modernen neurowissenschaftlichen Methoden die Anpassung der Hirnaktivitätsmuster beim Lernen entschlüsselt werden kann.
Diese Forschungsarbeit wurde von unterstützt (RTD-Projekt Neurochoice) weiter zur Medienmitteilung der Universität Zürich »


When it gets crowded: Changes in lipid composition in the spotlight

A study published in Nature, led by Mathieu Frechin from Lucas Pelkmans’ lab, sheds light on a cell-intrinsic molecular mechanism by which the cell membrane acts as a tunable capacitor to allow multicellular patterning of single cells. The adaptation of membrane lipid composition to local cell crowding through the FAK–ABCA1 system influences membrane-dependent signaling. This finding suggests that tunable membrane lipid composition plays a fundamental role in collective cell behavior. (doi:10.1038/nature14429)
This research was supported by the RTD Project LipidX.
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