

Protein pairs make cells remember

Even single cells are able to remember information if they receive the order from their proteins. Researchers at the University of Basel’s Biozentrum have discovered that proteins form pairs to give the signal for storing information in the cell’s memory. The results of the study have now been published in “Cell Reports”.
This research was supported by the RTD Project StoNets.
Read the article published by the University of Basel »


Ein beinahe magischer Blick ins Gehirn

Synapsen und ihre molekularbiologischen Details sind eigentlich zu klein für eine Untersuchung mit dem Lichtmikroskop. Forschende der Uni Freiburg haben nun aber eine Methode angewendet, dank der man trotzdem einzelne Proteine bei den Verbindungen der Nervenzellen „sehen“ kann. Das eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten bei der Untersuchung von Lern- und Erinnerungsvorgängen.
Diese Forschungsarbeit wurde von unterstützt (RTD-Projekt SynaptiX)
weiter zum Artikel der Universität Freiburg »


New board member

Carlo R. Largiadèr, vice director of the University Institute of Clinical Chemistry (UKC) at the Inselspital, has joined the Scientific Executive Board (SEB) of He replaces the former member Hans-Uwe Simon from the University of Bern. would like to thank Hans-Uwe Simon for his commitment and welcomes Carlo R. Largiadèr to the board.
Overview of SEB members »


Travel grants ICSB 2016 in Barcelona

The International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2016 will take place from September 16–20 in Barcelona. is one of the event’s sponsors and is offering 5 travel grants for PhD students or postdocs. To be eligible for a grant, you must present a poster at the conference. If you are interested, please send an email to eavan.dorcey(at) The grants will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. More information on ICSB 2016 and registration »


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