

A different approach to supporting young scientists

A postdoc’s role is demanding and multifaceted. It brings a lot of responsibility, for example when supervising students, without embodying a formal leadership role. Postdocs find themselves in a sort of “sandwich position” between research group leader and student, and are expected to simultaneously teach and conduct their own studies. Besides that, they also have to concentrate on furthering their own careers. The participants at this year’s Postdoc Workshop learned how to identify and cope with the different roles required of them as postdocs. more »


More computing power for Swiss research

Europe’s most powerful supercomputer Piz Daint is being upgraded, a move that is expected to at least double its computing power. ETH Zurich is investing around CHF 40 million to allow researchers to perform simulations, data analyses and visualisations even more efficiently in the future.
Read the ETH Zurich press release »


Quality control for genetic sequencing

Genetic sequencing is in widespread use today, but until now has not been accurate enough to identify an antibody immune response. Now, thanks to a new control system based on genetic barcodes, the technique is far more reliable – and ready for use in the development of vaccines and antibody drugs.
This research was supported by the RTD Project AntibodyX.
Read the press release published by ETH News »


Young scientist travel grants for SBHD 2016

The International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease (SBHD) is scheduled for June 14-16, 2016 at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. is one of the event’s sponsors and is offering five travel grants for PhD students and postdocs. To be eligible for a grant, you must present a poster at the conference. The grants will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Contact Eavan Dorcey (eavan.dorcey(at)
More information on SBHD 2016 and registration »


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