

Cellular traffic control system mapped for the first time

The transport routes of nutrients and messenger cargos can be compared to the traffic system of a city: A worldwide unique quantitative study of cell biologists of the University of Zurich shows that cells regulate the main routes, side routes and intersections by an intricate traffic control system, which guides the spatial and temporal distribution of substances within the cell.
This research was supported by RTD Projects PhosphoNetX and LipidX. Read the News Release published by the UZH Mediadesk»


Advanced Lecture Course 2014: "A Great Opportunity to Interact"

“The course was a great opportunity to interact with leading researchers in systems biology and to build up a network of contacts in this field”, said Leila Alexander from ETH Zurich. She was one of 120 PhD students and postdocs from 23 countries, who explored topics such as cellular decision making at the Advanced Lecture Course in Innsbruck, Austria, in March 2014. The course was supported by, ERASysAPP and BMBF.
more »


10th Call for Proposals, the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology, is issuing its 10th call for project proposals. To read the call, please click here.
The focus of this 10th call is on:
- Medical Research and Development (MRD) Projects
- Transfer Projects
Submission deadline for the proposals of the 10th call is July 31, 2014.weiter »


Register for Conference 2014

Registration for the 2nd International Conference on Systems Biology is now open. The conference will take place from October 20-23, 2014 at the Swiss Tech Convention Center in Lausanne.
More information and registration »


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