
17.11.2014 bis 20.11.2014

Frontiers in Metabolism: From Molecular Physiology to Systems Medicine - Heidelberg, Germany

EMBO/EMBL Symposium
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Symposium in Chemical Biology - Lausanne, Switzerland

The annual NCCR Symposium in Chemical Biology will take place at EPFL, Lausanne, on November 27, 2014 from 1pm to 7pm.

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Vital-IT annual conference 2014: "Bioinformatics platforms across the lemanic region - supporting research and innovation" - Lausanne, Switzerland

The Vital-IT annual conference 2014 will take place on December 5, 2014 from
13.30 - 18.30 at UNIL, Lausanne. To confirm your participation (in person or remotely), please complete the online form or contact Diana Marek before the 25th of November.

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Molecular SeminBar on Systems Engineering - Basel, Switzerland

The NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering launches a new event series called "SeminBar". The first event will take place on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 6 p.m. at "Jay's im Ackermannshof" in Basel. The Speaker, Prof. Hendrik Dietz, TU Munich, will talk about "Molecular Systems Engineering with DNA". The talk will highlight how DNA can be enigneered to self-fold into 3D molecular machines. 
The event is open to the public. There is no need to register.
Upcoming Dates: February 12 and March 11, 2015.

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Department program of SNF