
02.06.2014 bis 06.06.2014

Next Generation Comparative Phylogenomics – Geneva

This four-day course from the Doctoral Program StarOmics and organized by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics will be held from June 2-6, 2014 at the Centre Médical Universitaire (CMU) in Geneva.
More information and registration »

17.06.2014 bis 19.06.2014

SBHD 2014 - Boston, MA

International conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease is a co-organizer of the conference and offers a limited number of travel grants for its young researchers (PhD students and postdocs).weiter »

22.06.2014 bis 27.06.2014 Summer School 2014 - Kandersteg

The growing importance of systems approaches in medicine has lead the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and to join forces to organize a Summer School for PhD students and postdocs entitled “Systems Medicine and its applications”.
More information and registration »

29.06.2014 bis 04.07.2014

Practical Summer Course: Modeling for Systems Biology - Barcelona, Spain

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and will again jointly hold this year’s Summer School „Modeling for Systems Biology“. The course will take place from June 29 till July 4, 2014 at the PRBB in Barcelona.
More information and registration »


Department program of SNF