
21.02.2015 bis 22.02.2015

Gordon Research Seminar on Quantitative Genetics & Genomics (GRS) - Lucca, Italy

The Gordon Research Seminar on Quantitative Genetics & Genomics is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas. The meeting will take place in Lucca (Barga), Italy from February 21-22, 2015. 

More information and registration»


First Steps with R - Lausanne, Switzerland

R is a complete and flexible system for statistical analysis which has become a tool of choice for biologists and biomedical scientists, who need to analyze and visualize large amounts of data.

This one-day course will be held in Lausanne on March 4, 2015 and is addressed to beginners willing to become familiar with the R environment and  master the most common commands to be able to explore their datasets. 
More information and registration»

09.03.2015 bis 12.03.2015 Retreat 2015: “Better Results Through Diversity” - Rigi Kaltbad, Switzerland

From March 9-12, 2015 the 6th retreat will take place at Rigi Kaltbad. The retreat will focus on diversity and team intelligence. Target audience: PhD Students and postdocs of the network.
Registration deadline extended until November 15, 2014
More information and registration»


Reading of «Postdoc» by Prof. em. Gottfried Schatz - Biozentrum, University of Basel

The renowned biochemist Gottfried Schatz reads from his debut novel about love, friendship and the fascination of scientific research. 
The reading will take place March 9, 2015, 17.30pm; Hörsaal 1, Pharmazentrum, Klingelberg 50/70, 4056 Basel. 
Admission free, no registration required. 
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Department program of SNF